SciiFii Wiki
Atlantic sea snake (SciiFii)

The Miss Waldron Islands sea snake (Maremagnumanguis Waldroniala) is an ocean-going venomous snake that originally did not exist, but has been since created by SciiFii and introduced throughout the coasts of Miss Waldron Islands to help boost biodiversity. As the largest known sea snake, the Miss Waldron Islands sea snake can grow up to 18 feet long. Their skin color is mixed with lime green, yellow, and tan with brown tiger stripes. They sometimes prey on crustaceans (such as spiny lobsters) and large fish (such as tarpon and barracuda). They also sometimes prey on invasive lionfish that eat smaller Atlantic fish, since they are immune to the lionfish's venom. The main enemies of the Florida sea snake include the giant marine crocodile and the great white shark. Like all sea snakes, they give birth to young snakes. The conservation status of the Atlantic sea snake is Least Concern due to abundant food sources, successful conservation efforts, and the Atlantic sea snake's wide range. The populations of the Atlantic sea snake is actually flourishing, so the population trend is increasing.
