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SciiFii Wiki
Behemoth (SciiFii)

The Behemoth (Megasus mammothoides, name meaning "great mammoth pig") is a species of large land mammal that originally didn't exist, but was created by SciiFii and introduced to the African swamps, rainforests, and humid savannas to help boost biodiversity. Despite its scientific name, it is not related to pigs, instead, the closest living relatives to behemoths are hyraxes. Because of the genetic relation to hyraxes, it is thought that the hyraxes were used as base animals by SciiFii and were modified to be much larger, about the size of an Asian elephant (Elephas maximus), and had anatomy changes, including being given tusks and longer hair on parts of their bodies (yet loose enough due to living in a hot environment so they don't overheat). Due to their larger size, behemoths are not burrowing animals, unlike hyraxes, and they use their tusks mainly for protection against predators (such as lions) and for males challenging other males to win a right to mate. The behemoths are herbivores that primarily feeds on grasses, leaves, shrubs, roots, and tubers, although they sometimes feed on termites from the termite mounts, making them the largest termite-eaters on Earth. Like elephants, the behemoths have a very long gestation period due to their massive size and somewhat slow metabolism, and they usually give birth to only one calf each gestation period, but twins have been reported at times. The lifespan of the behemoth is usually around 120 years, but behemoths of about 150-175 years are not uncommon. Unlike elephants, behemoths are solitary animals throughout most their lives, only to come with other behemoths to breed or if the female behemoths have calves. The behemoth is named after the creature from the Bible and is also named after the monster of the same name from Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019 film). The conservation status of the behemoth is Vulnerable due to some habitat loss and due to poaching, however, thanks to conservationists, the behemoths are a protected species, thus their populations are recovering.
