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SciiFii Wiki
Machamp (SciiFii)

The machamp (Senianglosaurus gigapokevus) is a species of non-mammal therapsid-type synapsid that originally did not exist, but has since been created by SciiFii due to demands for real life Pokémon-like animals from Pokémon fans. However, due to careless pet owners releasing machokes, the machokes can now be found throughout the rainforests, swamps, forests, and open woodlands of Africa, and Eurasia. The closest relative of the machamp is a Moschops. The machamp is a large animal, usually growing to be about the size of a large horse. Unlike any other synapsid (mammal or non-mammal), even its relatives such as machops and machokes (which have four limbs like almost all tetrapods), the machamp has six limbs, four for walking and two for grasping onto tree branches to reach for vegetation it feeds on. The machamp is usually a herbivore, feeding on leaves, fruits, and shrubs in most of its time, but can sometimes feed on carrion and termites (from termite mounds) to supplement its diet. The machamp is normally a solitary animal in most of its life (it defends itself from predators by using its large size and strength), except during breeding seasons or if it's a caring mother of its own offspring. The female machamps can lay around 4-5 eggs at a time, although as much as 8 eggs is not uncommon. The conservation status of the machamps is Least Concern due to successful conservation efforts, the machamp's wide range, and its tolerance to most of human activities, including being able to survive and adapt to life in the cities and suburbs.
