SciiFii Wiki
Scipionyx (NuGen)

Scipionyx carcharius (pronounced "SHIH-pee-oh-nicks car-car-ee-is" or "ship-ee-OH-nicks car-kari-us"), also known the hill giant, is a species of carcharodontosaurid theropod dinosaur that originally lived from the Early Cretaceous of Italy, around 113 million years ago, as an extinct species, Scipionyx samniticus, and was once extinct, but has since been brought back from extinction by NuGen, possibly as a form of competition with SciiFii in the race to recreate extinct animals. Despite being part of the same genus as SciiFii's Scipionyx, the hill giant is a member of the carnosaur family, Carcharodontosauridae, rather than being part of the coelurosaur family, Compsognathidae, so it is controversial whether or not if the original Scipionyx species was a compsognathid or a carcharodontosaurid. The hill giant is found as a wild animal throughout North America, possibly as a result of an illegal pet trade, despite being a large predatory animal. The hill giant is a very large carnosaur, growing to be about 32.8 feet (10 metres) long and weighing about 3.3 short tons (2.94 long tons) on average. The hill giant is a bipedal predator, its horizontal rump is balanced by a long tail. The back of its head, neck, torso, and arms are covered by primitive feathers. The hill giant mainly feeds on deer, large birds, hadrosaurs, iguanodonts, ankylosaurians, juvenile sauropods, and carrion, although it is known to feed on domestic livestock to supplement its diet. The hill giant is a solitary animal that spends throughout most of its life except during the breeding seasons.
