The skolopendra mantis shrimp (Skolopendraqua perampla), also known as the skolopendra shrimp, is a species of mantis shrimp that was originally created for the Terrors of the Greco-Roman Sea section of NuGen’s Mythologia Park, but due to an unfortunate incident suspected to have been a terrorist bombing, a shipping truck containing skolopendra mantis shrimp eggs was sent hurtling off of a bridge near the Mediterranean Sea and the eggs soon hatched and thrived in the wild, becoming the world's largest invasive species. The skolopendra mantis shrimp is the world's largest arthropod and one of the largest animals on Earth, growing to be about 120 feet in length. Despite this, the claw strength of this species are far weaker for its size compared to its "natural" tiny cousins, due to not needing to have enormous strength as a result of its gigantic size for hunting much smaller, yet still-large invertebrate animals and ray-finned fish. The conservation status of the skolopendra shrimp is Critically Endangered due to extermination efforts, as they are highly disruptive to the native ecosystems and to human activity, however, animal rights groups are against the extermination efforts and demand for the species to be protected in parts of the range. However, due to the skolopendra mantis shrimp being considered an invasive species in the Mediterranean Sea and due to the species being already established in Mythologia Park, the conservationists are attempting to halt the future skolopendra shrimp shipment.