SciiFii Wiki
SciiFii Wiki
Tetrapteryx (SciiFii)

Tetrapteryx sciifii is a species of non-avian maniraptoran theropod dinosaur that originally did not exist, but has since been created by SciiFii and included in pet stores for people who want to keep and care for non-avian dinosaurs as pets. It was created to be based on the hypothetical, possibly fictional, transitional theropod of the same name, being the closest living relative of birds. Tetrapteryx sciifii is a small dinosaur, growing to be about the size of a pied crow (Corvus albus). It is mostly covered in dull brown feathers with gray and black bands on it and has red-orange spots on its cheeks as well as a larger dark red throat color. It is a carnivore that primarily feeds on insects, fish, frogs, small lizards, small snakes, small birds, small mammals, eggs, carrion, and some man-made food. Proavis sciifii is a solitary animal in most of its life, except during breeding seasons, when males challenge other males as an attempt to win a right to mate with females.
